FSC Controlled Wood: the rubber hits the road

When it became clear, over 6 years ago, that the “old way” of Controlled Wood due diligence for FSC-certified companies would be ending, we all understood that the “new way” would include some new challenges.  With the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), nothing is ever...

FSC-US BoD Elections

We wrote an article about FSC membership in December 2016 in which we outlined and summarized the organization’s structure and decision-making processes.  One of our key points was the fact that FSC is a massive and influential organization that is run by a very...

ISO 38200: a fresh look at CoC?

One of the longstanding frustrations for businesses that are interested in participating in the markets for certified wood products is the confusing and overlapping rules and terminology.  The leading programs we work with – Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and...

FSC Controlled Wood: the US-NRA is here!

It seems hard to believe, but the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) announced late last week that the long-awaited National Risk Assessment (NRA) for the United States has finally been approved and posted for use.  It’s hard to believe that it’s here.  It...

Looking for Trees in the Lumber Yard

When you spend most of your time and attention, mired in the day-to-day world of Chain of Custody (CoC) certification, it can be easy to lose sight of why we work so hard at all of this.  At MixedWood, we are fond of pointing out just how much the FSC, SFI, and PEFC...