Screen Shot 2014-02-18 at 4.11.40 PMReaders of the MixedWood blog will be familiar with my skeptical view of the FSC’s recent efforts to build and deploy a massive new central transaction database called the Online Claims Platform.  Newcomers can pick up the thread here, and follow it back as far as you like.  The short version goes this way:  FSC-IC spend a ton of money on a rather ill-conceived online database system designed to track claims and transactions globally in real time.  Implementation was set for later this year.  When the user community finally got wind of the details, a flurry of alarm has lead to delays and reconsideration.  Recent communication suggested the program was on hold pending further input from stakeholders.

I was surprised this week to see another update from FSC on the OCP, this time announcing a brand new web interface.  I’d like to give you a detailed review of the new website, but frankly, there is just too much to digest.  It has lots of new graphics, charts, and even video tutorials – more than enough to spend a day on.   It is very clear that FSC has spend buckets of money on this, and probably lots of staff time as well.   They clearly  feel a need to sell the OCP to their stakeholder, which may be a positive thing.  I am worried, though that the sheer depth  and complexity to this program will still prove a fatal flaw.

I will be asking my friends and colleagues what they think, and share it here.  Please do the same.